Always full of charm and with vanity in the right measure, girls want more! Betting on special elements of comfort, and taking advantage of a cheerful and full fashion style, Molekinha is the ideal companion for these little fashionistas. In addition to all the technology that turns footwear weightless and increasingly beautiful, the brand also believes that the affection at producing each pair makes all the difference.
For this reason, models are charming and show the children’s universe in small details: fluffy insoles, little pet prints, delicate ornaments, soft walking ... And all of this has a reason! For us, being a child is the best fantasy and with Molekinha, what matters is to have fun and create your own fashion!
Molekinha also has Leka and the Lekão. Let’s learn a little more about them?! Hi, how are you? You remember me, don’t you? I am Molekinha, but you can call me Leka! Once again, I want to show you a lot of cool stuff and invite you to join me in a magical world full of colors, where every girl is a true princess.
Yes, I believe every girl is special and deserves to live their own fairy tales. These days, being a princess is much more than wearing a crown: it is to feel beautiful inside and out. In addition, fashion has all to do with it, after all, we also love to be always beautiful and feel good. I hope you enjoy the magazine and all my tips. Kisses, Leka.